Leticia Canales (EUK) & Gatien Delahaye (GLP) campeones del Peña Txuri Junior Pro Sopela 2015
Gatien Delahaye (GLP) 18, and Leticia Canales Bilbao (EUK) 20, have won the 2015 Peña Txuri Junior Pro Sopela in clean two-to-three foot surf and before maxing crowds at the pristine main beach of Sopela.
Gatien Delahaye (GLP) 18, y Leticia Canales Bilbao (EUK) 20, son los gandores del Peña Txuri Junior Pro Sopela 2015 en olas limpias de dos a tres pies de altura frente a una gran cantidad de publico en la bella playa de Sopela.
Jumping from 13th to 5th on the regional rankings post Sopela, Delahaye is steadily building to reach his overall goal for 2015 of finishing within the qualifying group of surfers for the World Junior final.
Saltando de la posición en el Ranking regional de 13 a 5 , Delhaye a solidificado su meta de lograr estar en el grupo de los surfer clasificados para la final Mundial Junior.
Leticia Canales win in Sopela and the related 1,000 ranking points, Canales takes a huge leap up on the regional ladder to sit in fourth position before the final two events of 2015, well within striking distance of both the European title and qualification for the World Juniors.
Leticia Canales gana en Sopelana y 1000 puntos en el ranking, Canales logra un gran impulso y estar en la cuarta posición antes de los dos eventos finales del 2015.
The European Junior Qualifying Series will now move on to the Lacanau Pro Juniors from August 14-17 for Stop No.4 of 5 in the 2015 season.
La próxima parada el tour Europeo Junior Qualifying Series se traslada al Lacanau Pro Juniors del 14 al 17 de Agosto, parada No. 4 de 5 de la temporada 2015.
Info / Fuente by http://www.worldsurfleague.com
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