Adriano de Souza ( BRA ) gana el Drug Aware Pro Margaret River
MARGARET RIVER, Western Australia( Viernes, 24 de abril 2015 ) – Adriano de Souza ( BRA ) gana el Drug Aware Pro Margaret River , la tercera parada en el Tour Mundial de Surf Samsung Galaxy Mundial de la Surf League ( WSL ) ( CT ) . El Main Break con otra mañana de buenas condiciones, donde los mejores surfistas del mundo lucharon entre sí para ganar el evento. En una emocionante final De Souza reclama su quinta victoria CT contra John John Florence ( HAW ).
MARGARET RIVER, Western Australia (Friday, April 24, 2015) – Adriano de Souza (BRA) has won the Drug Aware Margaret River Pro, the third stop on the Samsung Galaxy World Surf League (WSL) Championship Tour (CT). Main Break delivered another morning of great conditions and the world’s best surfers battled each other to win the event. An exciting clash saw De Souza claim his fifth CT victory and defeat John John Florence (HAW) in a thrilling Final.
Drug Aware Margaret River Pro Men’s Final Results:
1: Adriano de Souza (BRA) – 17.53
2: John John Florence (HAW) – 16.87
Drug Aware Margaret River Pro Men’s Semifinal Results:
SF 1: John John Florence (HAW) 16.87 def. Nat Young (USA) 12.90
SF 2: Adriano de Souza (BRA) 13.66 def. Taj Burrow (AUS) 13.27
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