The Portuguese surfer, Frederico Morais, winner of the second Martinique Surf Pro / Frederico Morais (PRT) vencedor del Martinique Surf Pro 2016
Frederico Morais – ®Poullenot/Aquashot
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Top class world surfers, the best waves possible, huge crowds enjoying the show. Everything came together on Sunday at Basse-Pointe for an exciting final day at the Martinique Surf Pro. In the end, it was the Portuguese surfer Frederico Morais (24), who won the only Caribbean leg in the Qualifying Series (QS) in 2016. He won the final against the Spaniard, Gonzalo Zubizarreta (30). Eliminated in the semi-final, the Brazilian, Deivid Silva (21) and the Australian Luke Hynd (20) took joint third place. Thanks to these great performances in a QS 3,000 event, these four surfers will leap up the rankings of the world surf qualifying circuit.
Frederico Morais – ®Poullenot/Aquashot
Four Brazilians, three Frenchmen (including two from Guadeloupe), two American, two Spaniards, two from Portugal, an Australian, a Peruvian and a South African. On Sunday morning, 16 surfers got up with the same goal and hope: they wanted to win the Martinique Surf Pro and grab 3000 points in the world surf qualifying circuit. To join the elite group in the Championship Tour (CT), bringing together the 34 top surfers from around the world the competitors take part in the qualifying events in the QS circuit. At the end of the season, the top ten in the QS join the CT.
The sixth round set the tone
The day began with the sixth round. In the very first heat, we could see that this was going to be a Sunday people would not forget. The standard moved up a notch with waves worthy of Basse-Pointe, allowing the surfers to express their full talent. They all worked hard on their maneuvers. The surfers gave as good as they got. To remind you, the judges awarded a score of 0 to 10 based on the following criteria: commitment and degree of difficulty, innovative and varied maneuvers, speed and how one move led to another.
In the first heat, the Brazilian, Jesse Mendes and the Spaniard, Gonzalo Zubizarreta qualified with respectively 14.67 and 14.07 points, knocking out the Frenchmen, Diego Mignot (in spite of an honourable score of 13.47) and Timothée Bisso.
French hopes rested on the other surfer from Guadeloupe, Charly Martin, who was up against three tough surfers from Brazil in the second heat of the sixth round. But Charly didn’t make it, unlike Ian Gouveia and Deivid Silva.
Another former member of the Championship Tour, the Spaniard, Aritz Aranburu was watched very closely in the following heat. But he lost to the South African, Slade Prestwich and the Portuguese surfer, Vasco Ribeiro, junior world champion in 2014.
Another former member of the CT, the American, Patrick Gudauskas did battle in the final heat of the sixth round. He too just missed out, beaten by the Portuguese surfer, Frederico Morais (awarded the best score in the sixth round of 15.86 points) and the Australian Luke Hynd.
These eight surfers leaving the sixth round in Martinique with 900 points were obviously disappointed, although they all had some great performances at Basse-Pointe.
Quarter final duels
For the quarter finals, they switched to duels, with the winner getting through and the loser eliminated quite simply. The first duel brought together two Brazilians, Jesse Mendes and Deivid Silva, 5th in the 2016 QS before the Martinique Surf Pro, who would have made it to second place, if they had won at Basse-Pointe. Silva got a fantastic result winning his duel with a score of 16.00 points.
In the second quarter final, another Brazilian, Ian Gouveia was up against Gonzalo Zubizarreta. It was an extremely close duel. With 8 minutes to go to the end, Gouveia was ahead of Zubizarreta by just 0.2 points. But thanks to a fine wave graded 8.33 points, the Spaniard made it through to the semi-final. After entering in the first round in Martinique, 393rd in the QS in 2015 and 170th in 2016 before the competition, Luke Hynd was the surprise qualifier for the quarter finals, where he came up against Slade Prestwich. The two surfers finished the heat on equal points with a score of 13.30 points. Hynd qualified thanks to a better wave graded 6.97 points (with Prestwich getting 6.83 points).
The quarter finals finished with a battle between two Portuguese surfers. On top form, Frederico Morais qualified with a superb score of 18.17 points (including a wave of 9.50 points). This gave him a huge boost for the semi-final. The four eliminated in the quarter finals could console themselves each getting 1260 points in the QS.
An international final four
Oner Brazilian, one Spaniard, one Australian and one Portuguese surfer. That was the line-up for the semi-finals of the 2016 Martinique Surf Pro. In the first heat, the Brazilian, Deivid Silva and the Spaniard, Gonzalo Zubizarreta each grabbed an excellent wave judged at more than 9 points. Thanks to an even better second wave, the experienced Zubizarreta was on top by just 0.04 points (15.87 points as opposed to 15.83).
The second semi-final was launched immediately after that. Would the Australian, Luke Hynd continue to excel in what was his eighth heat in the event? His French opponent, Frederico Morais confirmed his very good form today by making the most of a wave with a score of 9.17 points. He continued with a second wave of 7.50 points. Hynd got a great total of 14.57 points; but that was not enough to reach the final.
Deivid Silva and Luke Hynd, joint third, each pocket 1680 points and 4500 dollars of prize money. A nice reward for a week’s work in the sunshine.
Gonzalo Zubizarreta v. Frederico Morais: The final
Gonzalo Zubizarreta and Frederico Morais were respectively 89th and 160th in the QS before the Martinique Surf Pro, an event in which the winner gains 3000 points and the 2nd 2250 points. Whatever happened in the final, they both could consider this to be a successful operation, but winning was the most important thing. The surfers from Portugal and Spain had no intention of making do with being runner-up. Still in fine form, regular and surfing in style, Frederico Morais obtained two good scores (8.93 points and 7.73 points). In spite of two waves of more than 7 points, Zubizarreta lost out. So it is Frederico Morais, who follows in the footsteps of the Hawaiian, Joshua Moniz, winner of the Martinique Surf Pro last year.
Already known the world over thanks to the success of the first edition, the waves at Basse-Pointe will be talked about everywhere again this year.
Frederico Morais (Portugal, 24), winner of the 2016 Martinique Surf Pro:
“That’s my first QS win and I’ve been waiting for this for a long time, it’s the best feeling ever! My secret today was just to be relaxed and enjoy myself on some of the best waves I’ve ever had in a QS. This place is amazing, you can do airs, turns and big carves, you can’t ask for much more at a contest. That’s definitely motivating me to keep working hard and hopefully I can keep my momentum going.”
Gony Zubizarreta (ESP) – ®Poullenot/Aquashot
Gonzalo Zubizarreta (Spain, 30), 2nd in the 2016 Martinique Surf Pro:
“I think my last podium was in 2010 with my good friend Hodei Collazo and I got second there too, I really wanted to win this, but Frederico was surfing great so congrats to him ! My first visit in Martinique… it’s an amazing place, the people, the waves were really fun, the island is beautiful and I hope I can come back.”
The results of the 2016 Martinique Surf Pro (140 competitors):
Winner: Frederico Morais (Portugal)
2nd: Gonzalo Zubizarreta (Spain)
Joint 3rd (eliminated in the semi-finals): Deivid Silva (Brazil) and Luke Hynd (Australia)
Joint fifth (eliminated in the quarter finals): Jesse Mendes (Brazil), Ian Gouveia (Brazil), Slade Prestwich (South Africa) and Vasco Ribeiro (Portugal)
Joint ninth (eliminated in the sixth round): Diego Mignot (France), Timothée Bisso (France), Alan Donato (Brazil), Charly Martin (France), Lucca Mesinas (Peru), Arizt Aranburu (Spain), Evan Geiselman (USA) and Patrick Gudauskas (USA)
In short
– 140 surfers from five continents took part in the second Martinique Surf Pro, organized since 17th April at the Basse-Pointe spot in the NE of the island. It is the only Caribbean leg in the world surf qualifying circuit calendar in 2016.The winner pockets 3000 points in the Qualifying Series (QS).
– 16 surfers remained in the competition before the final section on Sunday The last three French surfers, (Diego Mignot and from Guadeloupe, Timothée Bisso and Charly Martin) were eliminated in the sixth round.
Podium: Gonzalo Zubizarreta (Spain) (2nd) and Frederico Morais (Portugal) Winner – ®Poullenot/Aquashot
El portugués Frederico Morais, vencedor de la segunda edición del Martinique Surf Pro
– El español Gonzalo (Gony) Zubizarreta se proclama subcampeón de la única manga caribeña de las series clasificatorias del surf mundial.
Ayer domingo dieron cita en la localidad de Basse-Pointe, al noreste de la isla de Martinica, algunos de los mejores surfistas del mundo, buenas olas y multitud de personas para disfrutar de la última jornada del Martinique Surf Pro. El portugués Frederico Morais (24) lograba batir en la final al español Gonzalo Zubizarreta (30), proclamándose vencedor de la única manga caribeña de las series clasificatorias (QS) de la World Surf League en 2016. El brasileño Deivid Silva (21) y el australiano Luke Hynd (20) eran eliminados en las semifinales, y comparten por tanto la tercera plaza. Gracias a su buena actuación en este evento QS3000, los cuatro escalarán posición esa el ranking clasificatorio del surf mundial.
Cuatro brasileños, cuatro franceses (incluyendo dos de Guadalupe), dos americanos, dos españoles, dos portugueses, un australiano, un peruano y un sudafricano. Ayer domingo estos 16 surfistas compartían un mismo objetivo: ganar el Martinique Surf Pro y hacerse con los 3000 puntos del circuito clasificatorio del surf mundial. Para poder formar parte de la élite del Championship Tour (CT), que reúne a los 34 mejores del mundo, los surfistas participan en eventos clasificatorios de la liga de surf mundial. Al final de la temporada, los 10 mejores de las series clasificatorias o QS pasan al Championship Tour (CT).
El sexto round marca el tono
La jornada comenzó con la sexta ronda y desde el primer heat resultaba evidente que sería una jornada inolvidable. Las olas aumentaron, permitiendo a los surfistas mostrar todo su talento. Todos trabajaron duro en sus maniobras y dieron lo mejor de sí mismos.
En el primer heat, el brasileño Jesse Mendes y el español Gonzalo (Gony) Zubizarreta se clasificaban con 14.67 y 14.07 puntos, respectivamente, eliminado a los franceses Diego Mignot y Timothée Bisso.
La esperanza francesa se mantenía sin embargo en la figura de otro surfista de Guadalupe, Charly Martin, que se enfrentaba a tres duros competidores brasileños en la segunda manga del sexto round. Ian Gouveia y Deivid Silva pasaban a semifinales, como harían posteriormente el sudafricano Slade Prestwich y el portugués Vasco Ribeiro, campeón del mundo junior en 2014, eliminando al español Artiz Aramburu, que ya cuenta con experiencia en el Championship Tour.
Otro de los veteranos del CT, el americano Patrick Gudauskas también quedaba eliminado en el round 6 por Frederico Morais, que obtenía la mejor nota de la ronda con 15.86 puntos, y el australiano Luke Hynd.
Duelos en los cuartos de final
En los cuartos de final se pasó al formato de duelos, en los que el ganador pasaba a la semifinal y el perdedor quedaba eliminado. En el primer duelo se daban cita dos brasileños, Jesse Mendes y Deivid Silva, 5º en las series clasificatorias antes del Martinique Surf Pro, que le habría colocado segundo de haberse proclamado vencedor. Silva lograba un excelente resultado ganando el duelo con un total de 16.00 puntos. En el segundo cuarto de final el también brasileño Ian Gouveia se enfrentaba a Gony Zubizarreta, en un encuentro muy igualado. A 8 minutos del final, Gouveia iba por delante de Zubizarreta por tan solo 0.2 puntos, pero gracias a una buena ola en la que lograba 8.33 puntos, el español se clasificaba para la semifinal.
La gran sorpresa la dió el australiano Luke Hynd, que comenzaba el Martinique Surf Pro en la primera ronda y con un puesto 393 en las series clasificatorias de 2015 y 170º en 2016, y lograba pasar a las semifinales tras vencer al sudafricano Slade Prestwich. Los dos surfistas finalizaban el heat empatados con 13.30 puntos, pero Hynd lograba clasificarse gracias a la mejor puntuación en una ola (6.97 para Hynd frente a los 6.83 puntos de Prestwich).
Los cuartos de final se cerraban con una batalla entre dos portugueses en las que un Frederico Morais en plena forma se clasificaba con una magnifica puntuación de 18.17 puntos, incluyendo una ola de 9.50 puntos, lo que le daba confianza para la semifinal. Los cuatro surfistas eliminados en los cuartos de final recibían como premio 1260 puntos en las series clasificatorias.
Cuatro finalistas internacionales
Un brasileño, un español, un australiano y un portugués eran los cuarto semifinalistas de esta edición de 2016 del Martinique Surf Pro. En el primer heat, el brasileño Deivid Silva y el español Gonzalo Zubizarreta lograban una ola excelente de más de 9 puntos. Gracias a una segunda ola incluso mejor, Zubizarreta lograba pasar a la final con una diferencia de 0.04 puntos (15.87 frente a 15.83 puntos).
En la segunda semifinal, Luke Hynd continuaba su larga carrera en Martinica, ya que este era el octavo heat que disputaba el australiano. Su oponente portugués, Frederico Morais, confirmaba de nuevo su buena forma con una ola de 9.17 puntos, y continuó con otra de 7.50 puntos. Hynd, por su parte, lograba un total de 14.57 puntos, que no eran suficientes para llegar a la final.
Diivid Silva y Luke Hynd comparten la tercera posición, llevándose cada uno de ellos 1680 puntos y 4500 dólares.
Gonzalo Zubizarreta vs Freferico Morais: la final
Gonzalo Zubizarreta y Frederico Morais eran el 89º y el 160o, respectivamente, en las series clasificatorias antes del Martinique Surf Pro, un evento en el que el vencedor se lleva 3000 puntos y el segundo clasificado 2250 puntos. Sucediera lo que sucediera en la final, ambos podrían considerar este evento como una buena operación, aunque hacerse con la victoria era lo más importante, y ninguno de los dos estaba dispuesto a dejarlo escapar. Finalmente Frederico Morais se proclamaba vencedor de esta segunda edición del Martinique Surf Pro, siguiendo los pasos del hawaiano Joshua Moniz, gracias dos buenas puntuaciones (8.93 puntos y 7.73 puntos) que Zubizarreta no logró superar.
Frederico Morais (Portugal, 24), ganador del Martinique Surf Pro 2016:
“Es mi primera victoria en un QS y estado esperando esto desde hace mucho tiempo, ¡es la mejor sensación que he tenido nunca! Mi secreto hoy ha sido estar relajado y divertirme con unas de las mejores olas que he tenido nunca en un QS. Esta isla es impresionante, puedes hacer muchas maniobras, no se puede pedir mucho más a una competición. Esto me motiva para seguir trabajando duro y espero tener mi momento”.
Gonzalo Zubizarreta (España, 30), subcampeón del Martinique Surf Pro 2016:
“Creo que mi último podio fue en 2010 con mi amigo Hodei Collazo, y allí también logré un segundo puesto. Realmente querías ganar hoy, pero Frederico ha surfeado muy bien, así que ¡felicidades! Es mi primera visita a Martinica, un sitio increíble, la gente, las olas muy divertidas, la isla es preciosa y espero volver.”
Resultados del Martinique Surf Pro 2016 (140 participantes):
Ganador: Frederico Morais (Portugal)
Segunda posición: Gonzalo Zubizarreta (España)
3º ex aequo (eliminados en las semifinales): Deivid Silva (Brasil) y Luke Hynd
5º ex aequo (eliminados en los cuartos de final): Jesse Mendes (Brasil), Ian Gouveia (Brasil), Slade Prestwich (Sudáfrica) y Vasco Ribeiro (Portugal).
Haz click AQUÍ para ver los resultados del día.
Web oficial del evento: http://www.
Seaclear Communications
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