Frederico Morais in Post-Classic – Surf Video
Here’s Frederico Morais’ latest clip Post-Classic. The film by talented film makers and editors Dinis&Gustavo shows how important it is to go all the way through the classics if you intend to represent some kind of modernity. Frederico Morais is sponsored by Billabong, Monster, Moche, Ericeira Surf & Skate, VonZipper. Follow Frederico: @fredericomoraiis
- August 16, 2016
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- Frederico Morais (PRT) , Surf Videos , SURFERS NEWS , VIDEOS
Frederico Morais first time at Jeffreys Bay – Surf Video
Here’s a short clip Billabong put together of Portuguese surfer Frederico Morais surfing J-Bay for the first time. Frederico spent a few days at the famous right prior to the WQS event at Ballito. Filmed by Billabong coach Richard “Dog” Marsh (@richarddogmarsh), edited by Picnic Kings (@picnic_kings). Follow Frederico: @fredericomoraiis
- July 22, 2016
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- Africa , Frederico Morais (PRT) , SURF NEWS / NOTICIAS , Surf Videos , SURFERS NEWS , VIDEOS
Frederico Morais y Carol Henrique ganan la 4ta. Etapa de la Liga Moche, Allianz Sintra Pro, Portugal
Frederico Morais – ®MOCHE Frederico Morais se hace acreedor del Primer Lugar de la 4ta. Etapa de la Liga Moche #Allianzsintrapro en una final contra Vasco Ribeiro celebrada el pasado fin de semana Junio 04 y 05 en Praia Grande, Portugal. Felicitaciones!! Carol Henrique – ®MOCHE Por su parte Carol Henrique logra una vez más el primer …
- June 6, 2016
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- Carol Henrique (PRT) , Frederico Morais (PRT) , Portugal , SURF NEWS / NOTICIAS , SURFERS NEWS
The Portuguese surfer, Frederico Morais, winner of the second Martinique Surf Pro / Frederico Morais (PRT) vencedor del Martinique Surf Pro 2016
Frederico Morais – ®Poullenot/Aquashot BAJAR PARA VERSION EN ESPAÑOL Sunday, April 24, 2016 Top class world surfers, the best waves possible, huge crowds enjoying the show. Everything came together on Sunday at Basse-Pointe for an exciting final day at the Martinique Surf Pro. In the end, it was the Portuguese surfer Frederico Morais (24), who …
- April 24, 2016
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- Frederico Morais (PRT) , Martinique / Martinica , SURF NEWS / NOTICIAS , SURFERS NEWS
Carol Henrique y Frederico Morais ganan la 2da. Etapa de la LIGA MOCHE – #AllianzCaparicaPro – Portugal
Carol Henrique y Frederico Morais. Foto ®MOCHE Carol Henrique y Frederico Morais ganan la 2da. Etapa de la LIGA MOCHE ALLIANZ CAPARICA PRO la que se llevo a cabo del 08 al 10 de abril 2016 en “Praia do CDS” Costa da Caparica Portugal. La competencia estuvo marcada por condiciones difíciles y mal tiempo, lo que …
- April 11, 2016
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- Carol Henrique (PRT) , Frederico Morais (PRT) , Portugal , SURF NEWS / NOTICIAS , SURFERS NEWS
Frederico Morais in No Dreams, Just Goals – Surf Video
Desillusion production featuring Frederico Morais, presented by Billabong. Directed by Gustavo Immigrant, @gustavoimigrante
- March 22, 2016
- 1024
- Frederico Morais (PRT) , Surf Videos , SURFERS NEWS , VIDEOS