Martinique Surf Pro 2017
From April 1st to April 8th, 140 top level international surfers will be competing in the Basse-Pointe spot for the 3rd edition of the Martinique Surf Pro competion! In just three years, this competition has become a nearly inevitable stage of the world qualifying circuit. After two remarkably successful editions, the Martinique Surf Pro has …
The Portuguese surfer, Frederico Morais, winner of the second Martinique Surf Pro / Frederico Morais (PRT) vencedor del Martinique Surf Pro 2016
Frederico Morais – ®Poullenot/Aquashot BAJAR PARA VERSION EN ESPAÑOL Sunday, April 24, 2016 Top class world surfers, the best waves possible, huge crowds enjoying the show. Everything came together on Sunday at Basse-Pointe for an exciting final day at the Martinique Surf Pro. In the end, it was the Portuguese surfer Frederico Morais (24), who …
- April 24, 2016
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- Frederico Morais (PRT) , Martinique / Martinica , SURF NEWS / NOTICIAS , SURFERS NEWS

The noose is tightening – Martinique Surf Pro 2016
After the third day of the competition today (Tuesday) at Basse-Pointe, there are only 32 surfers left out of the 140 competing in the second Martinique Surf Pro. In the fifth round, we will be seeing competitors from five continents, with the Brazilians well represented with no fewer than seven surfers. They all hope to …

Martinique Surf Pro: Sorpresas en Basse-Pointe / Surprises and turnarounds in Basse-Pointe
Gony Zubizarreta (ESP) – ®WSL / Poullenot SCROLLDOWN FOR ENGLISH VERSION – El español Gonzalo Zubizarreta se clasificó ayer para el quinto round. – Aritz Aramburu, el canario Jonathan González, el argentino Santiago Muniz, el peruano Lucca Mesinas y el venezolano Rafael Pereira se juegan hoy la clasificación para la quinta ronda. La emoción está …

Martinique Surf Pro 2016: Una primera jornada intensa / AN INTENSIVE DAY TO START
Rafael Pereira (VEN) avanzando a la Ronda 3 / ®Martinique Surfing / Blind SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH VERSION La primera jornada del Martinque Surf Pro 2016 ha sido particularmente intensa este domingo en Basse-Pointe, ante un público numeroso que ha acudido a admirar las proezas de los surfistas internacionales del más alto nivel. Se han …
Docenas de vencedores potenciales! / Dozens of potential winners! #MartiniqueSurfPro
Miguel Tudela (PER) – ®WSL_Poullenot SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH VERSION En tan sólo dos días, 144 de los mejores surfistas del mundo mostrarán de lo que son capaces sobre las olas de Basse-Pointe en esta segunda edición del Martinique Surf Pro, que dará comienzo el 17 de abril. Pero apostar por un favorito resulta complicado …
- April 15, 2016
- 779
- EVENTOS / EVENTS , Martinique / Martinica , Surf Events , SURF NEWS / NOTICIAS

Menos de una semana para la segunda edición del Martinique Surf Pro / Only a week to go to the second Martinique Surf Pro
SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH VERSION El próximo domingo 17 de abril dará comienzo la segunda edición del Martinique Surf Pro, la única manga caribeña de las series clasificatorias (QS) de la World Surf League en 2016. La localidad surfera de Basse-Pointe, situada al norte de la isla de Martinica, ya está finalizando los preparativos para …

BAJA HASTA EL FINAL PARA VER LISTA DE SURFERS PARTICIPANTES In just under two weeks from now, from 17th to 24th April, some of the world’s best surfers will be getting together at the Basse-Pointe spot for the second edition of the Martinique Surf Pro. Due to the large number of entrants, the organizers have …

Martinique Surf Pro 2016 – From 17th to 24th April 2016
Martinique Surf Pro / Men’s Qualifying Series #17 3,000 / Apr 17 – 24, 2016 / Basse Pointe, Martinique, French West Indies Rob Gunning, tour manager for the WSL in Europe: “The standard will be even higher this year” Joshua Moniz (HAW) The surfers and members of the World Surf League (the international professional surf …

Martinique Surf Pro -21 al 26 de Abril 2015 – Lista de competidores
En solo una semana dará comienzo el Martinique Surf Pro, un nuevo evento internacional que forma parte de las Series Clasificatorias (QS) de la World Surf League (WSL). En la sede del evento en Basse-Pointe, al noreste de la isla de Martinica, ya se están ultimando los preparativos de la que será la única manga …
- April 15, 2015
- 806
- EVENTOS / EVENTS , Martinique / Martinica , Surf Events , SURF NEWS / NOTICIAS